Protecting Children  |  Empowering Youth  |  Strengthening Families


Arizona’s Children Association honors and respects the diversity and provides culturally sensitive services to children, youth, and families regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, age or disability.

Culturally Competent Services

Clients have the right to receive services which are culturally relevant. It is the policy of AzCA to recognize, respect and respond to the unique, culturally-defined needs of persons and families within its service population. AzCA strives to employ personnel that reflect the communities it serves and solicits consumer input at the program level to assure the services are responsive to community needs. Service delivery is family centered and strengths based which allows for the recognition and incorporation of family beliefs, values and priorities in the provision of services to address to their needs.

Interpretation Services

AzCA addresses the individual communication needs of persons and families served by making every effort to provide bilingual personnel for major consumer groups and/or translators for language needs. In addition, accommodations for those who are deaf and hearing impaired or those who’s special needs make it difficult for them to make their service needs known. We are happy to arrange interpretation services in the family’s preferred language both in person and via text by phone.

Telecommunications Relay Services can be obtained at no charge by dialing 711 and then 800.944.7611 or the local AzCA office.

Contact your local office for more information.

Your financial support directly impacts our ability to bring programs and services to those who need them.