Protecting Children  |  Empowering Youth  |  Strengthening Families

Young Adult Services

Our support services are designed to aid foster care youth who have or will be transitioning out of Arizona State or Tribal Foster Care.

Our Successful Transition to Adulthood contract allows us to provide opportunities for youth currently experiencing foster care to develop and enhance their skills in areas of resilience, knowledge of adolescent brain development, social connections, concrete support in times of need, and cognitive and social-emotional competency. Youth will also receive support and resources to increase their ability to live successfully outside of the foster care system.

Counties serviced: Maricopa, Mohave, La Paz, Yavapai, Coconino, Navajo, Apache, Pinal, Gila, Greenlee & Graham.

Your DCS or Tribal Case Manager can submit referrals to For questions or more information, please call 480.651.3348.


To qualify, you must be an Arizona resident, between the ages of 14-20, in the care and custody of DCS or a federally recognized Tribal Foster Care program, and currently in an out-of-home care setting.

How We Can Help

  • Coordination of normal experiences and opportunities in the community to practice daily living skills outside of the foster care system
  • Identify and explore supportive/natural connections
  • Support to obtain vital documents
  • Develop a plan for educational experiences
  • Career exploration and/or pre-employment skills
  • Explore the Keys to Financial Future curriculum
  • Pregnant, expectant and parental support
  • Health care management
  • Living arrangement stability and satisfaction


To qualify, you must be an Arizona resident, between ages 18-20, and previously in the care and custody of any State Foster Care or federally recognized Tribal Foster Care program at age 16 or older.

How We Can Help

  • Navigation support for one-on-one assistance towards goals related to:
    • – Employment
    • – Housing
    • – Keys to Financial Future curriculum
    • – Educational and/or vocational support
  • Funding assistance may be available towards transition to adulthood goals
  • Re-entry into Extended Foster Care based on eligibility and requirements (reached the age of 18 in Arizona’s foster care system)
  • Support with Young Adult Transitional Insurance (YATI) and health care management
  • Assistance securing education funding through the Pell Grant and Arizona Tuition Waiver
  • Coordination and support with Arizona’s Education and Training Voucher (ETV) and DCS Education Specialists for young people who were in the foster care system at age 16 or older (including those who were adopted at age 16 or older)

Your financial support directly impacts our ability to bring programs and services to those who need them.